What is Periodontal (Gum) Disease?

Gum disease affects more than just your gums. It can lead to tooth loss and can have a negative impact on your overall health.

Periodontal Disease is an infection that damages the gums and the tissues surrounding the teeth including the bone.The bone is the foundation of your teeth , if the bone has been destroyed by Periodontal disease you may have a higher risk of your teeth becoming loose and eventually falling out.

The bone loss around your teeth is generally irreversible, therefore early diagnosis and treatment will help to stabilise any further bone loss.

The Gum Specialists measures the gum disease by assessing the depth of the pockets around your teeth. A pocket is a narrow space between your gum and tooth, a healthy measurement should be between 1-3 mm. Dr Tsai completes a thorough and extensive examination including accessing bleeding gums, recessions and mobility of the teeth.

As bacteria builds up around the tooth, the gum becomes inflamed, causing the pocket to deepen. Any pocket that is 5 mm or more in depth is a pocket that needs treatment. If it is left untreated, it is likely that it will continue to deepen and cause bone loss and eventually tooth loss.

Signs & Symptoms of gum disease:

  • Swollen, red or tender gums

  • Bleeding gums

  • Halitosis (Bad Breath)

  • Receding gums (Does your teeth appear longer or gaps getting bigger?)

  • Loose teeth

  • Sensitive teeth

Do you think you have gum disease?

We welcome all new patients, no referrals required. To book a consultation contact us on (02) 9071 9008.

Deep Scaling and Root Planing (Deep Clean)

Deep scaling and root planing is a non-surgical periodontal treatment. After patients have been diagnosed with periodontal disease, the first stage of treatment is a procedure called Deep Scaling and Root Planing or “deep clean”.  
Deep scaling and root planing is the cleaning of the root surfaces to remove plaque and calculus [tartar] from underneath the deep pockets, which are causing inflammation and disease.
This treatment is usually done in two or more separate appointments for the comfort of our patients.

Periodontal Hygiene Maintenance

After active treatment is complete, periodontal hygiene maintenance must be maintained to ensure the gum health improvements are achieved. This appointment will involve measuring the gums to ensure any relapse is picked up early, subgingival cleaning is done to remove any bacterial plaque and calculus deposits and re-treating any developing pockets if needed.

The recall interval for periodontal hygiene maintenance may be every 3-6 months, but this will be advised to you by Dr. Paul Tsai.

To arrange your periodontal maintenance appointment at The Gum Specialists Team, please contact Donna, our friendly receptionist on (02) 9071 9008.

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